Winning a Noble Heart

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM

It was all that stupid Maple's fault! The balky old cow had been supposed to go with Brentin to the lower pasture the lord permitting the peasantry to use for their cattle, there to spend the day cropping fresh spring grass and growing fatter with the days, while Brentin kept an eye on her and lounged around the pasture playing and relaxing and having a good time with the other boys sent to tend their own family's cows. Not much work for him, true, but when you're only seven springs old, nobody expected much more work from you than that.

But halfway there, Maple had encountered a dog from another farm and the dog had barked, and the foolish old bovine had turned tail and headed back to the home barn! How was he supposed to get that old milker to fatten up if she insisted on hiding in her barn instead of cropping the good grass? But she made it into her stall despite the urgings of Brentin to get her to turn back around and go back down the hill.

Well, his mother and sister were inside, they could help him get her back out of the barn and once started, he'd keep her going down that hill if he had to switch her hide raw! He'd cut himself a switch from the first bush they passed.

He peered in the window as he passed by the kitchen window toward the door, stopped, looked again, and then ducked down! They were in there all right, but they weren't alone, they had Goodwife Willow with them! That old witch! Old, white-haired uncombed and unkempt, she wore filthy black robes and got around with the help a crooked staff, peddling her herbs and charms and potions and hexes. What was she doing at his family table? Sipping tea with them, as well?

His father had no knowledge of this, he felt sure. Brentin knew that this couldn't be anything good, women were often devious and untrustworthy, and not above using the services of a witch to advance their own personal and hidden agendas. All the boys he knew told him as much and he well believed them.

He watched the three from the window as best he could without being observed, but they were far too intent on their conniving to notice his little round face at the window. He watched as the evil old woman drew out a small bottle from inside her robe to his sister's and mother's unfeigned delight.

"And here it is." she told them. "A true and effective potion of love. To win a noble heart, all you need to do is put it in his drink and then be the first person he sees after he drinks it. There's a moment of his being dizzy from its effects when it first grips him, and you can rush to his side and take him in your arms and put your face to his and ask him if he is all right and he'll look right into your face. But be careful. One dose of this in his drink and you will love each other for life, and there is no cure to be had for it. Are you certain that this young man is the one you want to marry and for true?"

"We are certain indeed." his mother told him. "We'll pay you twelve in gold now and the rest after the marriage. His mother had an entire jewel box loaded with precious gems, we will pawn as many of them as we need to get you the remainder."

"Be careful that you do, and that within thirty days of the marriage, or I shall take my vengeance upon you." Goodwife Willow cautioned them. "Your husband could die, or your son, of a horrid fever. I warn you both, I'm not to be trifled with!"

"Don't worry, I'll pay you." my sister said. "This potion works and it'll be worth every last copper I give you."

"See that you remember that when you're his wife." Goodwife Willow got to her feet and Brentin ducked and went back to the barn. He was no longer interested in their help with the cow, he'd kick that old cud-chewer out if he had to. It was more important that they not realize he had heard their plotting. He had no idea who his sister (Esselda, plain pockmarked Esselda, how could he let any man fall prey to her and live a life of misery). Were her physical flaws her only ugliness, he may have kept silent, but she was also a mean-spirited person, quick to flare to anger or to jealousy, grasping, even stooping to stealing things that she wanted, no, his sister, Brentin had to admit, was completely devoid of any loveable qualities and at the age of twenty-six, she was more than likely bound to be a lifelong spinster and eternal drain upon his mother and father's fortunes. And if she thought that Brentin was going to stay around this farm when grown up if she was there, she could just think again!

No, he had to warn her intended victim, he could also maybe steal that bottle from his sister while she slept tonight. Pour it out, replace it with plain water, and let her think the old witch had given her a false potion. Yes, that was the plan. With that action comfortably in his mind, he turned his attentions to switching that cantakerous old cow out of the barn. She mooed lamentably at his flailing at her butt, but he kept on her until she moved down the road again with some liveliness and perhaps a bit of respect at this aggressive youth who now controlled her life rather than trying to wheedle her to do his will.

Yes, he would sneak into her room this very night while she slept and rifle through her belongings, she would keep that bottle in the box at the foot of her bed, no doubt, he would find it and dump it and fill it with water, yes he would!

Maple seemed to be watching very carefully all day long, and Brentin knew he'd made a deep impression upon that puzzling brain of hers. Well and good, he could have more time for his play if she wouldn't get to acting contrary on him!

He looked at himself in the pond. The faces of his parents had meshed on his own same as they had his sister, but where in her case it had given her a long, almost horselike face that would have diminished her looks even before the pox had marked her in diverse places, Brentin's own face was well on its way to being a handsome one indeed. The pox had passed him by entirely when it had come through the village for some reason, and there were those who said that it was because he had spent so much time around Maple, for it was known that those who had the pox carried by cattle would often be free of the greater burden of the Red Death that killed or marred for life its every victim.

He was dressed in simple homespun in brown shades, light brown tunic and dark brown leggings, and wore only soft cloth shoes which were getting already worn out and too small for him. He would soon be walking barefoot when the weather would permit, though.

And so with such musings and idle games as he and the other boys in the pasture could find to occupy themselves, he passed the day, eating the small lunch his mother had given him and when the sun grew lower in the sky, he fetched Maple and drove her back toward home again.

It must have been his day for the mischievous spirits to dally with, for he again approached the door to see his sister at the table, only this time, her only companion for the tea was a young nobleman, a scant score of years at most, with a finely crafted head of neatly trimmed hair (no bowl cut such as Brentin wore for him!), a thinly square but elegant face carrying a pencil thin line of mustache down to a mere tuft of a chin beard, this above a tunic of purple ornamented with golden threads making an elaborate design overall and trimmed with a golden border, below that was a steel-gray pair of hose, full hose, not woolen leggings that were tied about his waist like Brentin, but a proper lower garment woven and sewn to fit him well. He turned and Brentin saw that it was Lord Molit's eldest son and heir!

His sister had set her cap for young Lord Dalby Molit! Small wonder then that she would consort with a witch to win over his heart. No wonder she would try to trap him with a potion. Potion? The tea!

He held the cup in his hand and as his sister rose to deal with him, Brentin saw him lift the cup to his lips and take a drink!

His sister was coming toward him, yapping as she always did, "Brentin, you're bothering us, go out to the barn and stay there until I call you in, now, get out of here, get out!"

But Brentin saw the charmingly clean and well-built nobleman behind her set down the cup and place his head in his hand, he was dizzy. She had already slipped him the potion!

He couldn't let the next sight he had be his sister! He couldn't! Brentin didn't think of it beyond that fact, he slid around his sister's clutching hands and went to the nobleman, yelping, "Don't look at her, don't look at her!"

"Brentin, get out of here!"

"Don't look at her! "Brentin called a third time and that was when Dalby's eyes rose and he looked...right at Brentin.

Brentin himself felt a little dizzy, it was as though those irises of his blue, blue eyes were shining and spinning around, like the little windtoys that clever hands would make with a thin slip of wood, a bit of paper and a pin, they made him blink and stagger.

"Brentin, get out of here!" and Esselda's hands closed upon him and she frog-marched him out by lifting him up bodily and practically carrying him, his feet only hit the ground twice before he was outside and she was pushing him, he stumbled off the steps and was away.

Leaving Esselda in sole possession of the kitchen with poor Dalby in the thrall of that potion the witch had given her.

Brentin sighed and went out to the barn, he could keep Maple company until Dalby left. Ah,well, if his sister had to be devious, she had at least chosen a prime specimen of a man to be her lovestricken suitor. His parents and he could move in to the noble house in some out of the way wing and be well fed and cared for, and for him, there would be more than the mere prospect of this farm and its worn-out fields, he may well be able to attend classes with the young men of the house and get his letters and more, he could then perhaps take an apprenticeship with some tradesman and from there...oh, a decent life and meat at every meal instead of bowl after bowl of meal or mush like he had now, broken only by the bread he carried for his lunch to the pasture with Maple, and never enough of even that to fill his unending hunger inside....

He fell down onto a patch of straw and dreamed of that house. He could see Dalby again then. The thought of that strong, handsome man was causing the oddest fluttering in his stomach, that brief moment when they'd looked into each other's eyes was foremost in his mind, he closed his eyes and remembered that instant, remembered it over and over and over and over....

"Here you are!" came the young male shout. Brentin rose, turned over on the straw and looked up.

Dalby was there, standing above him. But how had he gotten away from Esselda so quickly? She would have at least followed him out, tried to force him to look at her, she was the only woman around, he had to look at her, fall in love with her, the potion would demand that....

And those eyes were boring into him again. That big, strong, handsome man was here, in the barn with him, and the face was smiling at him, and that muscled arm reached out a hand to him.

In a daze, he reached his hand up and the fingers closed upon his hand and pulled him to his feet. "Come, ride with me." Dalby said.

That hand around his was tugging at him, not hard, but urging him to come along. They went to Dalby's horse, a strong, beautiful animal and Dalby placed him on the saddle then sat behind him and with Brentin safely between those two big arms holding the reins, they rode down the road toward the village. His family's farm was only a short distance away from the village, of course, all small freeholdings such as this farm was near the village, any further and they would be upon the lord's lands, and the lord owned most property about. Partway there, the hands shifted both reins to one hand and the free hand wrapped around Brentin's chest, and the warmth of that arm pulled him against the vaster warmth of the chest behind and Brentin felt like he would swoon from the masculine feel that was enfolding him, keeping him entire.

The inn was built around a courtyard, and the rooms were arranged around that courtyard. The stablehands came out and took Dalby's horse, and he and Dalby could go from there unimpeded straight to the room Dalby had apparently taken there, for he went straight to one of them and inside it was all clean, finely made bedding and several personal objects. Brentin rarely had seen such nice things as this, but he gave them scant glance, his eyes were only for Dalby.

"I know not what has come over me." Dalby said to him as Brentin took a seat upon the bed. He was looking at Brentin as if he could not look enough upon the young peasant lad, but then, that was how Brentin looked upon Dalby. "I have never felt like this about anyone, it is as if I have known you all my life, as if you and I were once a single person and we were somehow separated, and now I have found you again. I do not understand it."

"I do." Brentin admitted. He then explained about the witch's visit earlier that day and the potion she had sold his sister. "So I was going to steal it from her tonight, but when I got home, I saw you and realized you had already taken the potion, I tried to keep you from looking at her."

"And instead, I looked at you." Dalby had taken this time to first sit upon the bed and the interval of the explanation following in sidling ever closer to Brentin. "And so the potion worked to make me fall in love with you."

"And I with you." Brentin agreed, soaking up that maleness that seemed to pour out of Dalby into him. "I did not think it worked like this, though, I thought the potion's effects was only between a man and a woman."

"But that seems not to be the case."

"It seems not." Brentin said. "So here we are, the two of us, bound by a potion of magic we did not choose. The witch said there was no cure for it. We must deal with it as best we can."

"And so we shall." And Dalby was right up beside Brentin and now his arms moved to pull the young boy to him.

Brentin gulped, admitted, "I do not know what to do." he gasped before those warm lips closed on his and the kiss he got was nothing at all like the ones his mother gave, and father still gave him upon occasion, nothing like either of them at all! This was like Dalby was trying to bind them even closer, and his arms were making him feel even closer to the handsome nobleman.

Brentin gave in to the sensations rushing through his body. He had been forced by the potion's magic to fall in love here, he could not do anything more than accept this new life that he had been given, no more than the proudly aristocratic young man who was kissing him. As those lips chewed their way down his chin and his neck, he groaned and tried when his own head was freed to bestow some kisses in his own turn upon Dalby's only available flesh, the top of his head. That won him a taste of hair and hair oil but that didn't seem to matter.

He let this pantingly eager young man pull his clothing from his body and even dared to try to return the favor here and there, though his experience with the buckles and buttons of this much more elegant and adorned tunic was nil and he could only use a trial-and-error method that gained more delay than speed in the undressing of that body.

But the clothes were off at last and nude, he could lie upon the bed and spread his arms and feel Dalby lay himself down between them. He gasped as he felt Dalby's prong touch his own groin, and he knew that this big organ would require all his attention and care (he wasn't totally ignorant, he had the basic facts if not any useful details), and the size and heat of it was intimidating.

"I don't know what to do!" he moaned again. "Teach me, please, teach me!"

"I shall." Dalby agreed, and Brentin braced himself, expecting to be impaled immediately, but instead Dalby began to kiss him again and this time his clothing was no impediment to his ardent lips, they wove their moist way down and over his chest to perch upon one nipple longingly, then down further over his soft, hairless body that quivered with each wet oval left by those soft petals of his noble mouth, and Brentin felt his body becoming excited in a way he had never felt before, and that feeling reached a height when that aristocratic face perched above his small but throbbingly hard organ, and those lips slid upon his glans and over and down to his base. His tiny prick was no great effort for Dalby to engulf entirely and as his lips plied up and down his small length, Brentin felt a rush of delight rush through his body unlike any he had felt before! So this is love, he felt wonderingly as his body shivered in the ecstasy.

In no time, his excitement reached its height and the pleasure that had gone before was as nothing, he felt an overpowering tingling that began in his cock and ran up his body like lightning and he shook like he was possessed, and the joy wracked him and it was marvelous, and then too soon it was over and he was shaking, weak from the energy that had ravaged him.

"And that is how you do it." Dalby told him as he rose back to put his face above Brentin's. "Do you think you can do as much for me now?"

Brentin had to smile at that simple request. Nobleman though he was, Dalby would give him the choice. This was truly love! "I shall do my best." he said.

Dalby lay back and Brentin did what he could to cover that large body with his small mouth in kisses as Dalby had done for him. Sucking on the nipple brought away a chest hair (Dalby wasn't overly hairy but held some upon his breast as did all men) and Brentin had to stop and pull it from his tongue. Dalby smiled at him when he made a face at this, and reached a hand up to rub his hair in encouragement, and Brentin returned to his oral ministrations.

Further down Dalby's body and he began to rush toward his goal, this was taking too long, so long! His hunger here was building again in a new way, he wanted to repay this, his new lover, for the joy he had been given, by giving it in his own turn. At last he was at the brushy pubic thatch and rather than delve into it, he simply rose higher and his lips fed that wide mushroom head of a glans into his mouth and he pressed further down.

"Careful now, merry, you must use as much of your mouth's water as you can." Dalby cautioned. "And beware your teeth when you move, you don't wish to scrape me as you move up and down."

Brentin obeyed this instruction and after some difficulties with the mechanics of the act, he was moving upon Dalby's dong with a speed and diligence that was making his big male lover groan with a deep bass growling sound. The noise filled Brentin's ears, the cock filled his mouth and his nostrils were full, as well, with the raunchy musky smell of an adult male. He had smelt this before in the fields when working alongside his father during the harvest or when gathering hay in summer, but this was stronger still and it inflamed his desire to give this lover of his everything he could.

So when his lips tired and his mouth ached from the actions, he rose up and gasped out, "Is there anything else I can give to you, my dearest one."

Dalby accepted the tender phrase without mockery, he said only, "Yes, but there will be pain for you at first if we try it. I wouldn't have you feel one single ounce of regret on this, our first lovemaking."

"I will try it, if you will teach me." Brentin said before his noble lover could say any more.

"Then let me be the one who does all the work, and tell me if I press you too hard."

Brentin let Dalby pull him up so that his head lay upon the pillow and Dalby then knelt between his legs, his powerfully golden body above him in a powerful arc of masculine grace, and then his hands grasped Brentin's legs and pulled them up and Dalby's cock, now slippery with Brentin's saliva, pressed itself toward Brentin's ass.

There was pain as Dalby promised, but Brentin groaned and Dalby stopped, and Brentin each time it came would look into Dalby's gentle, caring eyes and he would catch his breath and nod, and Dalby would press again.

And so Dalby's glans made its way into Brentin's tiny anus, and though this stretched Brentin a great deal, the gentleness of the insertion prevented him from bleeding more than a small amount. And when Dalby pushed in deeper, there came upon Brentin's body a sensation unlike any he had had before.

Dalby stopped when he had only driven a few inches of his dong into Brentin's bowels. "I dare not push you harder." he grunted. "This is enough for me. Do you need more time to get used to it?"

"Nay, I am enjoying this greatly." Brentin moaned. "I only ask that you move slowly at first so that I may learn you the better."

"I want you to learn all about me." Dalby answered and his motions were as tender as a mother's stroking of the brow when her child is wracked by a fever.

Brentin moaned anew as the cock worked its magic upon his body, it was stroking a source of pleasure deep within him that he had never suspected existed, no wonder Dalby had mentioned it to him despite the initial pain. And he saw how much Dalby was enjoying it, his face was softened with his passion and his grunts were taking on the same sounds Brentin had given when he had been sucked by Dalby. Knowing that he was pleasing Dalby, that this handsome man was loving this use of his body, was more than enough to let Brentin forget any regrets he had at being penetrated as this.

"Oh, oh, my love, my little love!" Dalby groaned above him. "I never thought of boys as being so wonderfully delightful to love as you are, my only interest was women until the potion was used upon me, now, I can never bear to be parted from you again. Say that you will be with me, all your life, say that we can love like this every night from this day on, say that and I will be the happiest of men upon this world!"

"I will stay with you always." Brentin promised, and Dalby closed his eyes and moaned.

"Oh, oh, my little lover, my best of boys, I will always love you, always!"

"And I will love you as well!"

"Oh, my little lover, my little boy lover!"

"Oh, oh, more, more, please, and deeper!" Brentin begged.

And Dalby's face began to flush a bright red and at first Brentin thought he was blushing then he felt the heat of his cock boiling within Brentin's bowels, and he realized that this man, this big, strong, handsome, virile man, was about to hit the same height he had reached with Dalby's lips before.

And that knowledge caused his own young body to again strike the fire that had raged within him before, and he shook in Dalby's embrace as Dalby's own orgasm roared into life.

And Brentin was surprised when the salty flood of Dalby's ejaculate roared into him, with Dalby on top of him, his cock hot as fire, and that fire was spraying into him in liquid form, it warmed and filled him and added to his own ecstasy that shook his body like an earthquake, with Dalby moaning in climax above him, and they were one now, they were truly one, one, one!

And again, too soon, it was over and Dalby slumped and only his elbows held that heavy weight from crushing Brentin into the bed. Brentin stroked Dalby's back and the fine sheen of sweat from his exertions made the movements easy and warm and it was like Brentin was sliding his hands upon a sleekly smooth service, like marble or ice, only this wasn't stony and it wasn't cold, it was warm, warm!

"Oh, oh, my little love." Dalby sighed in his ear. "I cannot bear to be parted from you. Can it be that your parents would agree to let you come live with me in my house? I would promise them to give you the best of educations and a stipend in gold, and payments to them if you can come."

"I think they will agree to something like that." Brentin said.

"Then let us go and make the arrangements." Dalby said, rising. And again, his hand extended to Brentin who took it and was lifted up to stand by his lover's side.

His parents were waiting for him at his home as well as his sister, who was red-eyed, but her tears were not of sorrow. "You arrogant fool!" she raged at Brentin as he returned. "What have you done to us? Don't you know what Goodwife Willow will do to us if we cannot pay her for her services as we promised?"

"As for that, let me speak further with you." Dalby said. And to Brentin, "Why don't you go to your room and pack up your clothes and all else you wish to bring with you. Your parents and I must speak very plainly, and that will be easier if you are not here."

And Brentin ran happily to his small room at the back of the house to do as his lover bade. After all, he knew how it would work out, his parents would get the money they wanted, his sister would get herself some as well, enough to purchase another bottle of that potion to use on some other unsuspecting (if less affluent) victim, and as for him...

He had won a noble heart and so his own life would be filled with love and more from this day forward.

Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.

(The Story You Just Read is Available in "The Games That Men Play 2" book)